Company’s philosophy on code of Corporate Governance
Integrated Thermoplastics Limited (ITL) believes in conducting its affairs with the highest level of integrity, with proper authorizations, professionalism, accountability and transparency. The business operations of ITL are conducted not to benefit any particular interest group but for the benefit of all stakeholders. All matters of strategy, annual budgets, significant developments etc., are routinely placed before the Board. The Audit and Share Transfer and Grievance Committees regularly meet to consider aspects relevant to each committee whereas the Remuneration Committee meets based on need..
Contact Information of the designated Official for handling investor Grievances

Quarterly Corp. Gov. Compliance Report
Corporate Governance -30.06.2014
Corporate Governance -31.03.2012
Corporate Governance -31.12.2011
Corporate Governance -30.09.2011
Corporate Governance -30.06.2011
Corporate Governance -31.03.2011
Corporate Governance -31.12.2010
Corporate Governance -30.09.2010
Corporate Governance -30.06.2010
Corporate Governance -31.03.2010
Corporate Governance -31.12.2009
Corporate Governance -30.09.2009
Corporate Governance -30.06.2009
Corporate Governance -31.03.2009
Corporate Governance -31.12.2008
Corporate Governance -30.09.2008
Corporate Governance -30.06.2008